Glingo= Lone Star Girls Lingo= Glingo
(cant forget the sheriff)
So, for all of you lost little kittykats who have no idea what all the Glingo is, here it is, spelled out for you.
"that american apparel hoodie is fexpensive!"
Song Binging= the act of listening to a song over and over and over
"Omg. I am so Song Binging What A Catch, Donnie by FOB right now"
Tag Hag= When someone is obsessed with a certain clothing label and has most of the items in the store
"Jamie is such an american apparel tag hag!"
(haha love you jamie=])
You Forgot Poland= What you say to someone when you want to one up them after you have totally just been pwned.
"Hey Rac, You Forgot Poland"
Chawch=an asshole/douchebag
"Dude, stop being such a cawch to her"
faja= another, nicer, word for fuck
"wanna go downtown this weekend with the LSGs?"
Fittie=a very hot man
"Alex Marshall is a fittie FOSH!"
Thumb Me=Text me
"Thumb me when you get home tonight so we can listen to the new Paramore single together"
Sando= Sandwhich
"Want a sando from potbellys or a burrito from Qdoba?"
Williams=Dollar Bills
"how many williams do you have?"
"about 20 bucks"
" i Bet if we hang out in the back of the venue we can totally run into the cute drummer from the opening band!"
"OMG! you're so jeanz!"
Shefted= A noun, adjective or verb in place of any word you want; i.e. Durf, Santi
"...he totally just got shefted"
Biffs=That Blows
"The show is sold out! ugh...this biffs"
Rac-ed= Rocked, pwned
"Jessica just ate it while getting on the train"
T.k.ked= stole, gangked
"I T.k.ked that wallet from Urban Outfitters"
ILML="illmill" I love my life
"i got the you asking for a KyKy sando from the Ed Debevics waitress on tape"
"yes! qual as ever...ILML!"
p.s. LSGs add "z" to the end of everything and also... we Abrev Ev
oh my gatz.
i lovez us.
thanks for this.
ahahaha "i t.k.ked that wallet from urban outfitters"
and she's never going to use it again.
you forgot biffy= bathroom
but otherwise...qual work!
AH i LOVE this. I will study it thoroughly :)
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