here it is.
the last horrah.
Summer is over.
I can't believe it.
[this will probably be long, so heres a forewarning]
Where do i even begin.
This summer was just simply, amazing.
Nothing will ever compare, and while i mourn the loss, i can only look back at it with happy memories.
I have learned more than i ever have from any classroom this summer.
Mostly what i have learned is about family, friends and relationships.
I learned although sad i dont have one, i dont need a guy to make me happy.
I have learned that there are incredible people out there if you look hard enough,
there are more than you think
and at any moment in time, you are NOT alone.
and friends come in all shapes and sizes and ages
and whether your friends live across the street or across the country, all that matters is that you were ever brought together at all.
To my summer friends, who i will never forget, you will never wrap your heads around how much you mean to me, and what i have learned from you, you can never take away from me, and what you have given me, even without knowing, i will take it with me forever and where ever. You have taught me so much, and have made me grow in ways i didn't think i could and you have all built me up to be this incredible person i never thought i had the potential to be.
this especially goes out to my fam. The 7 of you, are incredible people. dont let anyone ever tell you differently. You all mean so much to me, who you are right here and right now, dont ever forget it, because you have changed me for the better.
These memories i will hold in my eart forever because these past months i have never laughed harder, smiled more, been happier, or loved anyone as much as i have all of you.
At the beginning of the summer, i was a mess. But someone told me i was going to do great things. It was all i had ever wanted to hear. I knew i had to set out to do something big, and find what it was. What i ended up finding, was myself.
i also realized that i have goten everything i have asked for this summer.
I asked for love, and found it in every way BUT that which i expected and in every place i looked.
I cant really think of everything i asked for, but i know i got it.
Its hard to see it go, and i know no one could live this fast for this long. But like they say "You have to love it while you still got it, because when something wants to go, you have to let it go."
and i will not try to drag it on, because it was a good run, and everything was perfect.
Because after it all, ill always look back and smile, and isnt that all we can really ask for?
i believe it is.
so tomorrow, i will probably cry, and hold on to the peopel i care about most and who they are now. and hope things wont change: because its my greatest fear right now, that i will loose it all.
But i still have 2 days.
tomorrow: back to where it all began, the city, my first love<3
and hopefully there will be one last lesson to be learned, one more person to love, and one more time to feel completely free
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