I wished for all of you.
I was up at my friends lake house and got nice and tannytan.
Met some cool kids.
Came home back into stress... broken phone, packing for warped[more to come later] and unpacking, getting gas, map questing, and writing letters. SHEESH!
I read your blogs.
I fall in love with you all everytime i read them.
I love looking into your heads.
Today, i got my way.
I made my friends cry.
No no, not in a bad way.
Someone had previously been very cruel to me.
I lost 2 good friends because this girl took over, and made them change and hate me for no reason.
They both realized this, how i had been treated, and how they had said nothing out of fear.
They realized how they had treated me, and felt sorry.
I never asked for this, i just got it. What comes around goes around.
I missed my fam<3.
Its funny how i cant stand a day without talking to them.
in different ways, they all complete me.
lucky seven

so tomorrow....is warped tour.
holy fucking shit.
i've been excited since i walked out of the gates last year.
and now its finally here.
it doesnt seem real.
Im going to go completely cliche right now:
Warped isn't just one big concert.
It's a community coming together to do something they all live for.
to see what brings us all together: music, and everything thats tied to it.
the fashion, the people, the fans, the instruments.
Its everything we stand for in one place, being who we are without judgement.
Its love for sureee.
well im going with my two favorite people EVER.
this is everythign we have been waiting for.
this is it.
its like were going to the moon, all prepared and trained in what to do in certain situations,
and can't wait to see all my little friendys there too.
I've got the perfect team. and were gunna fucking pwn Warped.
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