I'm every cliche, but i simply do it best

[i love the juxtaposition of this, its my favorite]

OK, so LEGIT. is now in my vocab. I'm obsessed with it, I'm not sure why. and the Hanna Beth/Jac Vanek Brutal Bracelets. god i love them.
Late night. early morning.
Last night was so...not me? I'm not sure. What i did wasn't me, i vowed against it...although i only slightly veered off course.
today i ran errands and bought school supplies for under privileged kids
charity work does make you feel better!
and spent time with an old friend.
its funny how some people will always know you inside and out.
it made me realized either i haven't changed since i was 7,
or Em just understands me too well.
today was the first day of cheer leading clinic, where i work.
an 11 year old said BOSS NASTY to me...pardon me?!
and all the 8th graders who think they are too hot for it just roll their eyes at me.
i hate bad attitudes.
i have a bad attitude.
im a hypocrite. at least i know it.
Missing my friends=[
erk, twinnys, jessers.
Heard from my "sister" today.
she is my other half, and i treat her like my little sister.
She is in Arizona in reform school right now after a pretty bad episode last fall.
Shes had a hard time, and i pray for her all the time.
Today, she got to come home for a week and sent me a text telling me i was her strength when everyone else backed out, she loved me very much, and i keep her going, and when she is down she thinks of when i came to visit in CA and we spent an awesome day at the beach, not caring about anything just having a good time
and how hard we laughed when we both became lobsters at the end of the day
it was that kind of little kid thing where you dont care and are silly.
People do not just dish out things like that to me everyday, she makes me thankful for who i have in my life.
something i want to leave you with today, is count your blessings, i know its so cliche, but honestly, look at what you have in life. and dont over look anything and especially anyone.
i know i don't =]
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